Timber Sales

There are no sales at this time


Bids can be submitted via email to: packbids@uw.edu.

Bid deposits should be sent to:

UW Pack Forest - TS 24.1

9010 453rd St E

Eatonville, WA 98328



Pack Forest, situated in the foothills of Mount Rainier, consists primarily of second-growth mixed conifer forest along with a minor but important component of old growth forest.  The prevailing species composition at Pack Forest is a consequence of historic disturbances and modern forest management.


The driving narrative of the forest, since its inception, is research, demonstration and education in the field of forestry and forest sciences.  Research at the forest is geared toward better understanding tree growth, forest succession, spacing, harvesting costs, harvesting methods, disturbance ecology, nutrient cycling and many other facets of forest ecology and forest operations.  Demonstrations at Pack Forest link research findings to the every-day world of operations.  Education is provided through field trips and tours, and permits interested parties a way to directly see the effects of forest operations on forest growth, forest health, and overall forest condition.


Research, demonstration and education at Pack Forest is facilitated by an extensive road network permitting easy accessibility to all areas of the forest.  To help support this road network, along with other major infrastructure and staffing needs, harvesting is carried out on a sustainable yield basis throughout the forest.  All revenue made through forest harvesting is reinvested to maintain and improve the forest for further research, demonstration and educational opportunities


For more information on operations, timber sales, or other forestry-related business, please contact Chase Beyer, Forest Manager chbeyer@uw.edu.